The meeting consisted of four parts. As the partners arrived the first two days were spent working on the integration of the EEE group with the other existing projects taking place at Can Masdeu ( This was done formally by a tour of the various activities taking place in the valley and by joining the work groups that were active those days in the gardens and the social centre ( Informally communal meals were prepared and shared between the foreign partners and the inhabitants of the Can Masdeu intentional community. This created many opportunities for the exchange of ideas and for getting a good feeling of the local culture and current social issues. The second and third days were spent internally to prepare the group workshops to be help in the social centre on the Sunday. On Sunday the 9th of March the PIC social centre was transformed into a European meeting place on the subject of sustainability open for all those from Barcelona and Catalonia to come and join. The final day was spent evaluating our presentations and preparing for the final meeting.
The public sharing of our enough for everyone for ever ideas was a big success. The workshops that we created through the exchange of ideas with the other EEE partners were well received and through an digital and paper advertising campaign for the meeting over a hundred interested individuals from all walks of life came up to Can Masdeu for the day. To add a festive touch to the meeting and to create an easy invitation to informal discussions all partners prepared a typical snack from their country and these were handed out during the day to participants.
Here below an overview of the public events as they were presented at the time. All the workshops that were offered an the teaching material that they were based on is being compiled into a single workshop guide so that any organisation or individual interested in the subject of sustainability might reproduce them.
March 9th: Enough for Everyone Forever
During a two-year long Grundtvig
Partnership, „Enough for Everyone Forever“, four European
organizations from Spain, France, Germany and Poland) have been
working together to improve educational methods for sustainable
education. All four partners use creative methods to work with adults
on political and ecological topics, but each one is expert in a
specific approach such as visual, theatre or hands-on. Each
organization has hosted a meeting, inviting the partners to
experience their style of educational work where we've shared our
skills and experiences both in theoretical and practical ways.
Combining our creative approaches, we now invite you to an
interdisciplinary action that is carried out in the public space and
hopes to sensitize the audience to the concept of sustainability and
to work together on a sustainable future.
All day → Graphic design and
Sustainability - “tree of expectations – share messages for a
By: Goercn
This workshop intends to give some
opportunities to discover creativity hidden in each of us.
Participants are asked to play with random words and pictures, to
deal with their ecological awareness and let an environmental
message go out of themselves
Beside this workshop, graphic designers
will perform some panels to illustrate the topic
11:00 – 13:00 Embodying
By: Punt
d'Interaccio de Collserola (PIC)
In this 2hr experimental workshop we
will examine the concept of sustainability through our bodies. We
will explore ways to build enduring realtionships with oneself, the
other, our community and society at large. To help us in this work we
will use tools from varying body and mind practices (e.a. contact
improvisation, non-violent communication, somatic consciousness)
11:30 – 14:30 An introduction to
Pattern Dynamics
By: To-pole
is the first systems thinking tool designed for purpose-driven
collaboration. It allows to think
collectively about the relationships that form the organizational
environments we create and live in and it also helps to collaborate
more effectively within living systems of groups, collectives and
organizations. The principles of PM are derived from the observation
of natural living systems (eg. living organisms like animals and
plants). Complex natural systems exhibit consistent general patterns
of organisation that have allowed them to thrive for many hundreds of
millions of years. During this short intro workhops you will be
introduced to the Pattern language and you will apply it directly to
a situation from your own experience of being an active member of a
living system (your collective, art group, organization etc).
More information:
12:00 – 14:00 Guided tour through
Can Masdeu
By: Punt
d'Interaccio de Collserola (PIC)
As every Sunday, we offer a
guided tour of the Can Masdeu projects, to share with you our daily
experiences in a more consious way. The route starts at our Social
Centre, the “PIC”, with a historical overview of the Can Masdeu
valley and a description of the various projects that are currently
taking place here. This is followed by a walking tour through the
different sustainable living initiatives that have been carried out
in Can Masdeu for over twelve years now: The community gardens
project, a grey water treatment system, the bike shop , a solar
shower, composting toilets, etc. We will highlight the international
dimensions of our projects and their alternative educational
potential, which are pillars in this project of projects. The tour,
besides, being a space where we provide information about what we do,
we also try to use this time to generate an exchange of ideas on
issues as diverse and important as: the boundaries between
private-communal-public, the current social situation, ecology and
environmental issues, conflicts that occur when trying to develop
alternative forms of life and the solutions that we find.
14:00 – 15:30 Organic vegetarian
Prepared by the
Can Masdeu community and served to you with much love and
consciousness about a sustainable future.
16:00 - 18:00 Roundtable:
Sustainable financing of the alternative spaces in our city?
Can Battlo, RAI, La Base i Can Masdeu
How, in
the current economic and social context, within the Catalunya can we
continue to fund the construction of alternatives and continue our
struggle for social justice? Can Masdéu as an active stakeholder in
this debate invites you to participate in a round-table discussion to
address these questions. Sitting at the table will be
representatives of four autonomous spaces from different neighbourhoods of Barcelona: Can Masdéu (Nou Barris) Can Batllo
(Sants) La Base (Poble Sec) and RAI (La Ribera). Each will explain
how they finance their social, political and cultural activities and
what pros, cons and challenges are posed by the various forms of
funding they have found. Afterwards we will open the discussion to
the members of the audience.
16:00 – 19:00 Theater and
Sustainability - “Talking Things – second life”
By Theaterbündniss
A thing doesn´t operate well and we
throw it away – trash! Get a new one.
In our daily life we are surrounded by
thousands of things. Lot´s of them are not in use any more:
too old?! Broken?! Nasty?! Not hip ?!
Too big, too small!?
All these objects can tell us the story
about their lives.
We invite You to work with us for 3
hours about sustainability. In a playful way.
With methods of theatre work
(improvisation, movement, creating stories/scenes) we let objects
think and talk and give them and ourselves a speech for a more sustainable society.
Sustainability for us means: Enough for
ever for everyone – from now!
The workshop contents:
- Warm Up: to get to know each other,/body, voice, movement.
- Sensitisation for the issue and objects.
- Exchange of ideas, thoughts and feelings
- Improvisation in small groups and in the whole group, creating dialogues and stories.
If You don´t have any experience in theatre – no problem!
If You have experience: welcome!
Hasta bien luego - Colectivo de Teatro
Ramo de Flores de Berlin: Rabea y Uli