During the two-year long Grundtvig Partnership „Enough for Everyone Forever“ four European organizations (based in Spain, France, Germany and Poland) work together to improve educational methods for sustainable education.

All four partners use creative methods to work with adults on political and ecological topics, but each one is expert on a specific approach such as visual arts, theatre or music.

Each organization hosts one meeting, inviting the partners to get to know its context of educational work. During those meetings, we share our skills and experiences both in theoretical and practical ways. Combining our creative approaches, we develop an interdisciplinary action that is carried out in the public space and sensibilizing the audience about sustainability.

What we have learned during the process is then transformed by each partner into an innovative pedagogical concept adapted to the organizations context and target group. After putting the concept into practice individually, we meet for the last time in order to reflect on the potential of the new tools that we have developed and to plan our future transnational projects, where we are going to bring together adults from different cultural backgrounds and use our newly acquired educational skills to work together on a sustainable future.

dimanche 26 mai 2013

Marseille, may 2013 : second meeting

French step of "Enough for everyone forever" european project took place in Marseille, from may 2013 22 to 26.

Most of the participants where hosted in GOercn's headquarters, a place which allowed both common daily life and work as it was pointed in wishes during previous meeting.

A disposal which required a bit time to self managed cooking and collective life, but which was felt as very important to continue to build links between participants.


In the first evening, GOercn introduced the meeting by submitting planning and operational goals, first oriented toward discovery of participants and local initiatives, then around building some really simple proposals of common productions.

Then french host gave a short overview of  his activities, mainly :

- actual leading project Euro Actors For Environment, which is both a workshop and an itinerary exhibition related to eco conception, citizenship and intercultural competences
GOercn also intent to contribute to EEE by developing a pedagogic side of this project for adults with less opportunity
- recently finished Green Bridges project, an enquiry about environmental good practices among french and german social workers

Some GOercn's members and partner's came as guests to be part of this first hosting.

Giving local inputs
The first day of the meeting was organized to allow active discovery of local cases in small international groups, with requirement to document the visits and prepare a feed back through some ideas of what could be concrete actions for EEE's project.

Two groups of participants visited some marseillan partners' projects dedicated to reusing objects :

- Recyclodrome : a small militant NGO which tried to give environmental awareness in a really popular "Noailles" quarter in inner town
- Impulse Toit : a social project aiming to help unemployed people to mobilize again and find a job through recycling activities.

Then everybody gathered to visit Yes we camp project, an ephemeral camping leaded during Marseille 2013 Capital of Culture Year and mixing ecological and citizenship practices, and cultural events.

The group finally met one of GOercn members for lunch in his typical "l'Estaque"'s quarter house, an architect which activity consisted in helping private owners to restore traditional houses in ecological ways.


Searching ideas
During second day, morning was leaded by Theaterbuednis' partner which proposed some creative exercices about topic to continue to link the group and inspire proposals. Warm up, living machines, writing workshop where also really useful to generate and share concepts' keywords.

Then after a small time taken to finalize prototypes, each group introduced his ideas which were written and filmed.

Beyond networking, practical workshops, the generic idea of "Second life" of objects was evocated as red line for the whole project.

Some participants went in the evening to Contemporary Art Museum for "le Pont"'s exhibition private viewing. A project which also intented to build bridges around mediterranean see.

Summerizing, preparing next step
Third day was mainly employed to adjust some working modalities : which ways to manage next steps ? how many remain as one of the partner was rejected ? who will be the participants ?

Then partners end the official meeting around last dinner, some coming back in their country the day after, others staying a couple of days more to continue to discover the area.